Finding the right candidate through Mediahuis
Accelerate the recruitment process and make it more efficient? Bring your brand to the attention of the right target group? Finding the right candidate within a short period of time? At Mediahuis, we know like no other the challenges in the field of labour market communication and recruitment. We will gladly work with you to find the right candidate.

Advertising in print
On Saturdays, De Telegraaf has a section on careers in DFT. There is also a staff page in our regional titles on Saturdays. The vacancies are placed in a nice umbrella and is thus the place to make vacancies world famous. We have collected the most frequently chosen advertising formats for you in this rate card.

Smart targeting
Although at Mediahuis we are able to reach all of the Netherlands, choosing a specific candidate requires a different approach. We have found something for that. Make use of our smart targeting capabilities, where we can combine regions, sociological and demographic data, interests and contextual data. That way, you will arrive at the candidate who will strengthen your organisation in no time.

Awareness for your Employer Branding Video
An Employer Branding video can also be well placed on our network. For instance, targeted at young people via our own MCN on YouTube or on a platform like Dumpert. But Lifestyle titles with high selectivity on Gen Z and Millennials are also among the possibilities. We thus offer a large additional reach to the relatively old target group that can be reached through television.

Branded Content
One of our successful products is Elastic Native. Elastic Native connects all our media brands and distributes branded content based on data and only to your desired target audience, regardless of the platform visited. The content is 'smartly loaded' under another (related) article, allowing the visitor to seamlessly continue reading. Only when a visitor reads your article for longer than 15 seconds, you will be charged. This way, you only invest in the people who find your story interesting and only pay for results.

Getting clicks for your vacancy
The native products Elastic Social and Fluid ad are our products that achieve the highest CTR, making them very well suited to achieving clicks to your job posting.

Dumpert Filmt Je Werkplek
The big advantage of working with Mediahuis is access to all our platforms. And that has long since ceased to be just print. Take the successful series of 'Dumpert Filmt Je Werkplek', where René and Sylvana come and test a workplace in their own way. Make no mistake, 300,000 people watch this per episode and it is the ultimate way to draw attention to your company. Again, the possibilities are endless: it is possible to make an entirely sponsored episode, or to advertise prior to the series with a (custom-made) pre-roll.
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