In short
Mediahuis Nederland is built on an unconditional belief in independent journalism. Mediahuis brings stories and people together. With influential media brands and our in-depth knowledge of our audience and the media landscape. Throughout the Netherlands. And around the corner from you.
As the publisher of well-known brands such as De Telegraaf, VROUW, Privé, GroupDeal, NSMBL and Dumpert, Mediahuis reaches a wide selection of target groups throughout the Netherlands. Thanks to regional brands including Noordhollands Dagblad and Haarlems Dagblad, there is a close relationship with the region.
By listening to its audience and target group, Mediahuis creates a wide range of strategic and creative solutions for advertisers. Solutions are developed by the in-house creative studio, MHX, and Mediahuis’ content marketing agency, Wayne Parker Kent.
The binding factor between this multitude of media? Building and nurturing lasting relationships. With the public, with advertisers and with the more than 1200 employees of Mediahuis.
This makes Mediahuis your ideal strategic and creative partner; a media company that looks beyond its own front door, flat coverage and standard solutions.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is operationally responsible for Mediahuis Netherlands. There is a clear division of tasks based on a two-tier board consisting of a Supervisory Board and an Executive Board. The general management team consists of the board of directors, the editors-in-chief of the daily papers and the directors of the business units and staff departments of Mediahuis Nederland.
Rien van Beemen, CEO
Rien van Beemen began his career in the travel industry, working as Assistant Director for Sudtours (2001-2006) and Commercial Director for D-Reizen (2006-2007). He then joined RealNetworks, a listed (NASDAQ: RNWK) American online entertainment company, where he served as Vice President Europe & Latam from 2008 to 2012. Rien van Beemen made the move to NRC Media in 2012 where he initially worked as Director Online, before being appointed CEO in 2013. Since August 2019, Rien van Beemen is CEO at Mediahuis Netherlands.
Barbara Lokhorst, Financieel Directeur
Barbara Lokhorst worked for the accounting firm Ernst & Young from 1998 to 2009, including almost three years in New York. Barbara is trained as a chartered accountant. From 2010, she has worked at Mediahuis Netherlands, where she held various financial positions. From 1 January 2021, she is the financial director of Mediahuis Netherlands and, from 1 January 2022, she is a member of the Executive Board.
General Management Team
The members of the general management team are responsible for the business units and central staff departments of Mediahuis Nederland.
Ms R. Betten (Digital Director)
Mr. P. Huybrechts (Director Print & Distribution)
Mr P. Jansen (Editor in Chief De Telegraaf)
Mr G. Lasterie (Sr. Manager B2C)
Mr. B. Shkolnik (Director Advertising)
Ms C. Swanenberg (Director HR)
Ms I. Terpstra (Head of Legal Affairs)
Ms C. de Vries (Editor in Chief Regional)
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the policy pursued and the organisational structure and advising the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board consists of the following members:
Mr F. van Westen (chairman)
Mr G.J.K. Ysebaert (Vice-chairman)
Ms M.A.L. Vandezande
Mr K.I.B. De Beukelaer
Ms H.C. van Ee
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