
Merken Cases Adverteren Tarieven & Specs Over ons Actueel Werken bij Contact nl en  Zoeken:  Zoeken binnen Mediahuis Waar ben je naar op zoek? Nieuws DPG Media, Mediahuis, NPO, RTL Nederland en Talpa Network gaan samenwerken in onderzoek naar Nederlandse Datakluis
Merken Cases Adverteren Tarieven & Specs Over ons Actueel Werken bij Contact nl en  Zoeken:  Zoeken binnen Mediahuis Waar ben je naar op zoek? Nieuws DPG Media, Mediahuis, NPO, RTL Nederland en Talpa Network gaan samenwerken in onderzoek naar Nederlandse Datakluis
Merken Cases Adverteren Tarieven & Specs Over ons Actueel Werken bij Contact nl en  Zoeken:  Zoeken binnen Mediahuis Waar ben je naar op zoek? Nieuws DPG Media, Mediahuis, NPO, RTL Nederland en Talpa Network gaan samenwerken in onderzoek naar Nederlandse Datakluis cookie statement


On this website, we and third parties use cookies and similar techniques, such as javascripts, web beacons and SDKs (hereinafter: cookies). Cookies are techniques that collect and use information.

Cookies can also be used to process personal data. When we process your personal data, we naturally comply with the applicable privacy legislation. More information on how we handle your personal data can be found here.

Below you can read more about the cookies used on this website and for what purposes


Functional cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They are therefore always used, regardless of your cookie settings. These cookies remember, for example, your location, language and cookie settings and your login details.


To determine which parts of the website are of most interest to our visitors, we try to measure continuously, including with the help of third-party software, how many visitors come to the website and what is most viewed. We use cookies for this purpose.

Statistics are made from the information we collect in this way. These statistics give us insight into how often (a certain part of) the website is visited, where exactly visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables us to make the structure, navigation and content of the website as user-friendly as possible. The statistics and other reports do not identify individuals.

Certain analytical cookies are needed to measure website usage and improve our services. These are therefore always used, regardless of your cookie settings. If you have not consented to extended measurements, these cookies will only be used to a limited extent.

The cookies are used for:

  • Improving existing systems and software and developing new products.
  • Measuring the performance and effectiveness of ads you see or interact with.
  • The measurement of performance and effectiveness of content you see or interact with.
  • The application of market research to learn more about the audience that visits the website and views ads.

Below is a list of cookies used for analytical purposes:

Placed by Name (Maximum) lifespan in days
Mediahuis _ga 730
Mediahuis _gid 1
Mediahuis _gat 1
Mediahuis _gat_UA# 0
LinkedIn AnalyticsSyncHistory 30


We may collect information about you and your use of our website in order to use this information for our own marketing purposes. We use this information to show you advertisements for our products and services on other websites and apps in the most targeted way possible.

The cookies are used for:

  • Collecting information about you and your use of our website to show you personalised ads. This may involve collecting information such as your activities, interests, visits to our website, demographic information and/or location.
  • Displaying personalised ads based on the aforementioned information.

Below is a list of cookies used for marketing purposes:

Placed by Name (Maximum) lifespan in days
LinkedIn bscookie 730
LinkedIn bcookie 730
LinkedIn UserMatchHistory 30
LinkedIn lidc 1
Mediahuis _ga 730
Mediahuis _gid 1
Mediahuis _gat 1
Mediahuis _gat_UA# 0

Unforeseen cookies

Due to the way the internet, websites and apps work, we may not always have insight into the cookies placed through the website by third parties. This is particularly the case if the website contains so-called embedded elements; these are texts, documents, images or videos that are stored with another party, but displayed via the website. If you come across cookies on this website that fall into this category and which we have therefore not mentioned above, please let us know. Or contact the third party directly and ask what cookies they place, the reason for this, the cookie’s lifespan and how your privacy is guaranteed.

Changing cookie settings

Through your cookie settings, you can always withdraw your consent to the use of cookies for certain purposes. Here you can also disable the use of cookies by specific parties. Please note that if you disable certain purposes or parties, certain functions of the website may no longer work.

You can change your cookie preference here: Consent preferences

Closing remarks

The text and content of this page may change at any time. This may happen, for example, because of changes in the cookies we use or because the rules around cookies change. We advise you to consult this web page regularly for the latest version. When important changes occur, we will inform you and, where necessary, ask your permission again.

If you have any questions and/or comments, please contact us at [email protected]

This cookie statement was last amended on 7 juli 2021